Jul 5, 2023Liked by F. Diane Barth

Great article! Thank you.

I think it's also interesting to note ageism and how it may effect how we think we look, how others see us and react to us, what we dare show to the world without letting fear of rejection or shaming stop us.

I smile a lot, and wonder who is it that others see smiling. Some may see an older woman. See her with kindness or with a bit of a feeling of being separate and different than? Some see lines and wrinkles. Some may not see at all. Invisibility.

And what I see in my own mind and my own self reflection inside myself.....that is the precious treasure. And the foundation that remains steady. Sometimes slightly shaken, but coming back to its core in time. The sense of self that has taken me a lifetime to come home to. And to share with those who are able (and interested) to see me and hear me.

And most of all, to kkeep remembering to not be invisible to myself.

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Hi Jo --

Such a smart, thoughtful way to approach ageism. Thanks so much for your comments!!

All best,


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Such helpful therapy and coaching! Thanks so much.

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