I’m happier with my 23 year old wife than my 40 year old wife. Of course she’s dead. Sorry you idiots

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Of course you can keep choosing the better option. That’s the best way to ruin all relationships and basically humanity. You idiots

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We all live for the next better person. I’m sure this makes the fickle ones happy

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This is ridiculous

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This was wonderful, Diane! I lived much of my life a if waiting for the next relationship. I discovered that the relationship that I had been craving and searching for was with myself! And I needed the space and time for my inner voice to feel safe enough to come out and trust that I would listen. And now, even if I were to meet someone, I would show up very much more as myself. Authentic. Being my own center of gravity. Finally.

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Jo, what a lovely way to put this!!! Thanks so much for sharing -- it sure seems like you've found your center of gravity!!!

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It's a challenge... It can move around sometimes.... Lol....

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Unbelievably ridiculous

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